Sunday Service
Sundays Starting at 8:30 am
Followed immediately by Fellowship in the Fellowship Hall.
Coffee Cart available for 20 minutes prior to worship.
On the second Sunday of the month, the sacrament of communion is offered and Noisy collection is gathered by the kids. The children collect change for a number of missions/ministries that affect youth and kids.
Christian education ministry in conjunction with Peace & Salem UMC and First Lutheran Church (ELCA) includes JAM and Youth Group.
Vacation BIble School.
Follow link for more details.
Adult Ministries
Centering Prayer and Bible Study.
Currently on hold due to Covid-19 closure. Stay tuned for new opportunities.
Mission & Outreach
Food Shelf Ministry- Accept monetary and food donations. On Ministerial Alliance rotation for serving. Food shelf open on Thursdays, 2-5 pm
Noisy Collection collected on 2nd Sundays funds various Presbyterian and local mission opportunities.
Special Yearly PC(USA) offerings: Peace & Global Witness, One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, Christmas Joy
Other outreach opportunities: Firefighter's benefit, Silent Auction basket for Hospice and Relay for Life
Monthly Communion Visits