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Youth & Children Ministries

First Presbyterian Church's primary youth and child programming is a shared, joint ministry with Peace & Salem United Methodist and First Lutheran Churches. Programming is available for age 3 through high school.

Following the development of a Safe Church/Child protection policy at FPC, it was adopted for all joint programming between these churches.  Volunteers have gone through background checks and received training on these policies.

Children & Youth Ministries: About

JAM (Jesus and Me)


Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 PM
(Alternating churches)
Ages 3- 6th grade

JAM (Jesus and Me) is our children's ministry.  Split into different age groups, kids spend a 4 week period of time diving into a particular Bible story.  Each week, age groups rotate through fun activities (including games, science, crafts, cooking and music) that illustrate some concept from that lesson. Meetings occur during the school year between September and April.

Youth Group


Sundays, 6:30-8 pm
Alternating Churches
6th-12th grade

A chance to fellowship with one another, youth group is a time for a lesson and games.  Once a month, there is a missions focus to our gathering.

VBS (Vacation Bible School)


Summer- TBD
First Presbyterian
Ages 3-5th grade

For one weekend each summer, kids come together to have fun and explore a Bible story/stories based around a centralized theme, through music, crafts, games, science, and more.  

Past themes include Superheroes of the Bible, the Fruit of the Spirit, and Jesus Rocks!

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